Days till Halloween: 29
It would seem Murphy's Law of Customer Service has decided to latch itself onto me, much in the way a rabid dog latches it's teeth deep into your leg. My doctor called a prescription in to CVS yesterday around 11am, leaving a message on the pharmacist's voice mail that I had to have it filled and absolutely needed it by the end of the day - something totally par for the course, as my doctor often leaves messages, and the pharmacist checks them regularly and voila, you get your prescription in about an hour.
However, CVS thought it would be brilliant - when the regular pharmacist was out sick - to bring in some 100+ year old, Alzheimer's riddled, Spanish-only-speaking goblin creature to handle the high volume calls and patient numbers in the pharmacy. Which meant that when I went in, at 6pm (7 hours after calling the prescription in), they hadn't even checked the voice mail, and had - no lie - about 50 prescriptions waiting.
It would seem Murphy's Law of Customer Service has decided to latch itself onto me, much in the way a rabid dog latches it's teeth deep into your leg. My doctor called a prescription in to CVS yesterday around 11am, leaving a message on the pharmacist's voice mail that I had to have it filled and absolutely needed it by the end of the day - something totally par for the course, as my doctor often leaves messages, and the pharmacist checks them regularly and voila, you get your prescription in about an hour.
However, CVS thought it would be brilliant - when the regular pharmacist was out sick - to bring in some 100+ year old, Alzheimer's riddled, Spanish-only-speaking goblin creature to handle the high volume calls and patient numbers in the pharmacy. Which meant that when I went in, at 6pm (7 hours after calling the prescription in), they hadn't even checked the voice mail, and had - no lie - about 50 prescriptions waiting.

Usually I'm a pretty calm customer, but after waiting for over an hour - and not having anyone actually help me get anything accomplished - I started getting cranky. When I finally talked to gollum, he yelled at me because he hadn't done his job. Well, I told him! Not only did I cause a scene in the middle of CVS by screaming, but then I started bawling like a baby, and can you see why I need my prescription?? Without it, my hormones are completely insane. Like, way worse than usual - and that's horrifying.
Anyway, another day, another corporate headquarters to call and yell at (and probably sob at.) After the debacle, the Reds came over and brought Knocked Up, which I've been dying to see. I never got around to actually seeing it in the theaters (it was some combination of being a homeless nomad this summer, and, you know, having $1.64 in my bank account at any given time.) I was beside myself with joy that it was actually as funny as everyone had made it out to be. I laughed my ass off the entire time.
Until the birthing scene, that is. Now, when I was in the third grade, I stumbled upon a birthing exhibit with a group of friends when we got separated from the masses, and we watched, horrified, as a woman gave birth on a terrifically terrible video projection film. I think I blocked it out, because try as I might, my subconscious just can't conjure up the images (save for the sound of never ending screaming on behalf of the mother.) Luckily, Knocked Up decided to smack me in the face with the image, and reawaken all those horrible nightmares I had for months after witnessing the sight of a baby's head CROWNING THROUGH A WOMAN'S VAGINA.
That thing's supposed to come out of where?!
Anyway, another day, another corporate headquarters to call and yell at (and probably sob at.) After the debacle, the Reds came over and brought Knocked Up, which I've been dying to see. I never got around to actually seeing it in the theaters (it was some combination of being a homeless nomad this summer, and, you know, having $1.64 in my bank account at any given time.) I was beside myself with joy that it was actually as funny as everyone had made it out to be. I laughed my ass off the entire time.
Until the birthing scene, that is. Now, when I was in the third grade, I stumbled upon a birthing exhibit with a group of friends when we got separated from the masses, and we watched, horrified, as a woman gave birth on a terrifically terrible video projection film. I think I blocked it out, because try as I might, my subconscious just can't conjure up the images (save for the sound of never ending screaming on behalf of the mother.) Luckily, Knocked Up decided to smack me in the face with the image, and reawaken all those horrible nightmares I had for months after witnessing the sight of a baby's head CROWNING THROUGH A WOMAN'S VAGINA.

I feel you, Katherin Heigl! That look of horror on your face is echoed on my own, believe-you-me. When I saw that giant watermelon of a baby's head trying to force it's way out of a vaginal cavity roughly 57,000x smaller than it, I got sympathy pains so badly that I thought I was going into labor. God only knows what I would've birthed, but that's beside the point.
Real point is, Knocked Up teaches us some very priceless life lessons:
1. Smoking weed is good. Smoking weed is very good.
2. One night stands can lead to some very awkward moments.
3. Babies are like tanks bursting through tiny, delicate lace curtains. They will rip and tear and explode and my god, I think I'm going to be sick.
So there you have it. Smoke weed, try to think logically when attempting a very drunken one nigt stand, and whatever you do - for the love of god - don't ever, ever birth anything out of your vagina.
Real point is, Knocked Up teaches us some very priceless life lessons:
1. Smoking weed is good. Smoking weed is very good.
2. One night stands can lead to some very awkward moments.
3. Babies are like tanks bursting through tiny, delicate lace curtains. They will rip and tear and explode and my god, I think I'm going to be sick.
So there you have it. Smoke weed, try to think logically when attempting a very drunken one nigt stand, and whatever you do - for the love of god - don't ever, ever birth anything out of your vagina.
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