Unless you read the title and used your deduction skills to propose a theory.
I MET SARA, FROM AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL CYCLE 6!!!!!!!! And now we're best friends:
She was just as tall in person as I'd thought she'd be (6'1" for a girl usually stands out somewhat) although I didn't get the chance to find out if she was as nice as I thought she'd be. I wouldn't even have seen her face if I hadn't been preening at my own reflection in the window of a nearby office building - it was then, when I was swishing my head around and wondering if I could keep a straight face in front of people like Tyra and Miss J when I saw her. I turned, gasped, and tried to hurry after her, but her legs are probably a foot longer than mine, and she strode with the determination of... well, someone getting away from people like Tyra and Miss J.
But she looked exactly the way she did on TV (even though that was what... 2 years ago now?) and must've weighed all of 120 pounds. Tops. I wanted to throw myself at her and hug her and ask her if I could paint her nails and make popcorn for a sleepover at my place. You know, the usual girly things that brand new BBFL's do.
Another person I ran into that looks EXACTLY the same as they do on TV was - you guessed it! - Jaslene! From America's Next Top Model Cycle 8! I ran into her outside of the Elite offices in New York, and I almost snapped her in half when I sneezed (and it wasn't even that good of a sneeze.) We quickly became equally as close BBFLs, as you can see by this completely candid and real picture from my very own camera:
She's so excited to be my friend that she's conveniently headlighting
But she looked exactly the way she did on TV (even though that was what... 2 years ago now?) and must've weighed all of 120 pounds. Tops. I wanted to throw myself at her and hug her and ask her if I could paint her nails and make popcorn for a sleepover at my place. You know, the usual girly things that brand new BBFL's do.
Another person I ran into that looks EXACTLY the same as they do on TV was - you guessed it! - Jaslene! From America's Next Top Model Cycle 8! I ran into her outside of the Elite offices in New York, and I almost snapped her in half when I sneezed (and it wasn't even that good of a sneeze.) We quickly became equally as close BBFLs, as you can see by this completely candid and real picture from my very own camera:

This means that in less than 6 months, I've met two of my favorite ANTM contestants. Which means I need to step it up and start meeting more of them. Without further ado, here are the remaining girls that I would like to add to my Model BFFL Collection:
Cycle 6:
In Yellow:
Crazy Ass Kathy who started stripping on the Season Premiere
In Blue:
Jade, the Anti-Christ
Smiley Face:
Sara, my BBFL, whom I've already met (sort of)

In Red, from L to R:
Whitney "More of Me to Love" Cunningham, Renee My Hot Bitch, Natasha The Best Mail Order Bride Ever, and Dionne "WTF Is Wrong With You Bitches" Walters
In Blue:
Cycle 6:
In Red, From Left to Right:
My Home Girl Joanie, Crazy Gina, Adorable Kari, Actually Modeling in Actual Fashion Shows Mollie Sue, and Winner Extrodinaire Dani(elle)
My Home Girl Joanie, Crazy Gina, Adorable Kari, Actually Modeling in Actual Fashion Shows Mollie Sue, and Winner Extrodinaire Dani(elle)
In Yellow:
Crazy Ass Kathy who started stripping on the Season Premiere
In Blue:
Jade, the Anti-Christ
Smiley Face:
Sara, my BBFL, whom I've already met (sort of)
Cycle 7:
(AKA The Best One Yet)
(AKA The Best One Yet)
From L to R:
MELROSE My Hero, Brooke the One I Want to Hug, The "One's Shockingly a Lesbian" Twins Amanda and Michelle, and CariDee the Psychopath
MELROSE My Hero, Brooke the One I Want to Hug, The "One's Shockingly a Lesbian" Twins Amanda and Michelle, and CariDee the Psychopath
In Red, from L to R:
Whitney "More of Me to Love" Cunningham, Renee My Hot Bitch, Natasha The Best Mail Order Bride Ever, and Dionne "WTF Is Wrong With You Bitches" Walters
In Blue:
Jael, so I can push her into the pool again
Smiley Face:"Jaspeen" Jaslene, my BFFLII

Cycle 9
(Current Cycle)
From L to R:
Kimberly the Neither Plus Nor Normal Sized Model, HEATHER MY OBSESSION, Chantal the Awesome, and Jenah the Fierce
Stay tuned tonight for AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL CYCLE 9 SEASON FINALE! My money's on Jenah - she better kick some ass. Again, it better be a Battle of the Blonds Part II - I don't want Saleisha and her Dora the Explorer Haircut splashed all over the tv for the rest of the year >:O
Cycle 9
(Current Cycle)
From L to R:
Kimberly the Neither Plus Nor Normal Sized Model, HEATHER MY OBSESSION, Chantal the Awesome, and Jenah the Fierce
Stay tuned tonight for AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL CYCLE 9 SEASON FINALE! My money's on Jenah - she better kick some ass. Again, it better be a Battle of the Blonds Part II - I don't want Saleisha and her Dora the Explorer Haircut splashed all over the tv for the rest of the year >:O
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