Oh, Sally Kern. I know, it's so easy in today's modern times to focus your anger and aggression on one group of people. It's very therapeutic - I mean, just look at what Hitler did. That totally went over without a single hitch. It's good to focus your hatred on something other than yourself. Otherwise, well, then you'd have to tackle your own issues and figure out just what you're so angry and full of hate. And you know what they say - denial is the key to happiness. Or something, I don't know, I just made that up.
Anyway, for those of you "not in the know" Sally Kern is a State Representative from Oklahoma, who seems intent on making sure people keep enforcing typical Mid-Western stereotypes on the people of her fair state. She gave an interview the other day in which she spewed a constant stream of hate, stupidity, and shocking ignorance. Yay for people in positions of power! Here are some gems from the interview:
Anyway, for those of you "not in the know" Sally Kern is a State Representative from Oklahoma, who seems intent on making sure people keep enforcing typical Mid-Western stereotypes on the people of her fair state. She gave an interview the other day in which she spewed a constant stream of hate, stupidity, and shocking ignorance. Yay for people in positions of power! Here are some gems from the interview:
"Studies show, no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than, you know, a few decades"
Oh I see.
Oh I see.
I honestly think it’s the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam...
Seriously! I mean, those gays are so violent and full of hate, you can never tell what they're going to do next. Whether they're asking for permission to marry and have spousal privileges like the rest of us, leading gay pride parades, trying to instill a feel of acceptance and tolerance, advocating for equal rights, or wearing leather chaps, they're clearly out to get us all. They're only purpose in life is to spread hate and death. Just like anyone who's ever even so much as studied Islam. It's all the work of the devil. Yay horrified generalizations!
Seriously! I mean, those gays are so violent and full of hate, you can never tell what they're going to do next. Whether they're asking for permission to marry and have spousal privileges like the rest of us, leading gay pride parades, trying to instill a feel of acceptance and tolerance, advocating for equal rights, or wearing leather chaps, they're clearly out to get us all. They're only purpose in life is to spread hate and death. Just like anyone who's ever even so much as studied Islam. It's all the work of the devil. Yay horrified generalizations!
They want to get them into the government schools so they can indoctrinate them
Good lord! What are government schools?
They are going after our young children, as young as two years of age, to try to teach them that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle.
Save the children! Did you know that it's better for a single, alcoholic, poverty-stricken mother to raise a child than to late two educated, wealthy, loving and caring men raise a child? They'll just try to mutilate their bodies and brains. They'll be so busy molesting their children, forcing them into assless chaps and turning them into hairdressers and personal stylists that the children will never have a chance to grow and live. I mean, seriously, they'll have their heads stuffed so full of horrors like "accept everyone" and "love knows no color or gender" and "we will love you unconditionally no matter what" that they'll all be storming schools and shooting their teachers and fellow students. It's written in stone, I tell you.
Good lord! What are government schools?
They are going after our young children, as young as two years of age, to try to teach them that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle.
Save the children! Did you know that it's better for a single, alcoholic, poverty-stricken mother to raise a child than to late two educated, wealthy, loving and caring men raise a child? They'll just try to mutilate their bodies and brains. They'll be so busy molesting their children, forcing them into assless chaps and turning them into hairdressers and personal stylists that the children will never have a chance to grow and live. I mean, seriously, they'll have their heads stuffed so full of horrors like "accept everyone" and "love knows no color or gender" and "we will love you unconditionally no matter what" that they'll all be storming schools and shooting their teachers and fellow students. It's written in stone, I tell you.
You know, Gays are infiltrating city councils. . . Did you know that the city council of Eureka Springs is now controlled by gays?
Not Eureka Springs! Wait, what? Anyway, get those gays out of the city council! It'll only allow them to spread their seeds of homosexuality and evil...ness. Heaven forbid they have the city's best interest at hearts. They have anal sex. If they're dudes.
Not Eureka Springs! Wait, what? Anyway, get those gays out of the city council! It'll only allow them to spread their seeds of homosexuality and evil...ness. Heaven forbid they have the city's best interest at hearts. They have anal sex. If they're dudes.
They are winning elections.
We have the gay-straight alliance coming into our schools.
No! God no! Not gay-straight alliances! Oh god! Our straight children could decide to be tolerant of others! They might help other students to be accepted by their peers! They could help homosexual students! They might grow up to be mature, accepting, and happy individuals!
The horror, the horror!
No! God no! Not gay-straight alliances! Oh god! Our straight children could decide to be tolerant of others! They might help other students to be accepted by their peers! They could help homosexual students! They might grow up to be mature, accepting, and happy individuals!
The horror, the horror!
One of my colleagues said We don’t have a gay problem in our community… well you know what, that is so dumb. If you have cancer in your little toe, do you just say that I’m going to forget about it since the rest of you is fine? It spreads! This stuff is deadly and it is spreading. It will destroy our young people and it will destroy this nation.
Ahem, sista. This is so dumb, thank you for your grasp of the English language. If I have cancer in my little toe, I chop that bastard off and feed it to the dogs. Good riddance! Same thing with the gays. When they infiltrate my little toe, I... wait, how does this metaphor work again? Anyway. These gays, their homosexuality is spreading. I mean, just the other day I was hanging out with some gay men, and now I can't stop thinking about having sex with a man. Good lord! Such a horrifying disease. I mean, anyone who hangs out with gay people obviously catches The Gay. It's a proven fact, and you can't disprove Science, unless you believe the world was created in 7 days by god. Yeah. Anyway, this Gay is going to take over the world! Today, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Tomorrow... P-Town will be everywhere. You mark my words.
By the way, Sally Kern looks like this:

Easy to see why she may be so angry, no?
Now, I read PerezHilton.com for shits and giggles, and usually I fight back the urge to leave him nasty comments, but for once, I 100% completely agree with this post of his. Send this hateful bitch a message, telling her that gay hating is so passe. No one in a position of power like this (well, no one in general) should be spewing hate like this. It's hurtful, dangerous, and horrifically stupid. Get this bitch the fuck out of office:
Ms. Kern's contact information:
Capitol Address:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 332
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 557-7348.
District Address:
2713 Sterling Ave.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73127.
Email: sallykern@okhouse.gov
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